Tuesday, September 23, 2008

New Additions for Two Weeks Ending 9/22

Welcome to our new members!

Half Baked
Ces créations + ou - utiles...
Karen Squared
QuiltRobin - My Creative Journey
Take Joy!
Deceptively Packaged
susan in stitches
Amber Joy Knits

We are now up to 175 active blogs in the ring!


My e-mail account was spoofed today. It also appears that my "frequent contacts" list from gmail was used to send spam advertising electronics equipment. I have changed my account password as a matter of course, just in case the account was compromised. My apologies. If it's any consolation, I even spammed myself. Twice.

It also appears as though the RingSurf ring is no longer under my control and has been regenerated.  I have sent e-mail to their admins. We'll see what happens.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Ring Surf Ring is No More!

I have finished e-mailing all the members of the old ring and deleting all the blogs from Ring Surf. In a week or two I will delete the old ring from Ring Surf as well.

With any luck more former ring members will continue to join up at alt-webring. Feel free to spread the word about our ring to your fiber friends. The more members the merrier, right? :-)

Friday, September 12, 2008

New Additions Week Ending 9/12/2008

Welcome everyone!

Talullah's World
The Fabric of Her Reality
Lilibeth's Garden
Fun With Fiber
Pat's Knitting and Quilting
A House on the Hill
Gunnel's blog
Art in Stitches
art + craft
Spincerely Yours
Handwoven by Kristin Kelley

Remember, registering your blog is just half the process to join the ring. The other half is putting the ring code on your blog. The alt-webring ring code *must* be present before your blog will be activated. At a minimum, I ask that a link to this blog as well as the "next" and "previous" links be included. You may, of course, also just paste the entire unedited block of code into your blog.

If you're having trouble with the ring code, send an e-mail to msmorenna (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll do what I can to help straighten things out.

For those of you affected by Hurricane Ike, we'll be thinking of you....

Thursday, September 4, 2008