Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Additions 12/7-12/27

Welcome to the Ring!! We are now up to 195 active members!

More RingSurf Woes

Apparently my attempts to delete the RingSurf ring have yet again been thwarted.  I had manually deleted all the blogs several weeks ago and discovered recently that they had all been restored to the ring.  So I did it again with the same result (deleted blogs were restored overnight).  My requests for assistance to the support e-mail address went unanswered.  So I simply deleted the entire ring, thinking that would delete everybody yet again, but all at once, rather than individually deleting several hundred blogs. 

Well, it appears that deleting the ring is not actually deleting the ring in RingSurf's world.  It is instead abandoning the ring and leaving it open for someone else to adopt.  I immediately signed up to adopt the ring back so that I could at least keep other people from mis-using the contact information.  Apparently I was not fast enough and the ring has now been adopted by someone else.  If you still have an account with RingSurf, I would advise you to consider deleting it or otherwise monitoring it.  I have no idea who now has control of that information (and, yes, the ring adopter does now have access to your RingSurf password).

Had I known that deleting the ring was not actually deleting the ring, I wouldn't have done it.  I apologize for any problems this may cause.  I am also hoping we don't end up with dueling Fiber Arts Bloggers blogrings.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Periodic Re-posting of blogring rules

This is a periodic re-posting of the blog ring rules. It is not directed at anybody in particular.
  1. You must have a blog about your textile projects, ideas, and adventures. Things like spinning, weaving, knitting, crochet, lace-making, braiding and kumihimo, etc. It doesn't have to be *only* about fiber things, but should include fiber stuff at least once per month.

  2. The blog needs to be regularly updated. Any blogs not updated at least once a month will be moved to the queue. If you have not updated in over three months your site will be removed from the ring. You are welcome to re-join the ring if /when you start posting again.

  3. You need to include the ring code on the blog page, so that visitors can surf to other bloggers' sites more easily. (Isn't that the point?!) At a minimum, the ring code must include a link to the ring's home and the Next and Previous links. Anyone who has not added the code to their site within two weeks of application will be removed from the ring. If you don't have the current ring code, send e-mail to msmorenna (at) gmail (dot) com and I will help you get the ring code.

  4. This is NOT a commercial site. If your blog is merely a listing of items for sale, this blog ring is not for you.

New Additions 11/16-12/6

Welcome to our newest members!

Traveling Spinner
Jeanne Williamson
Bijtje Bezig
Wilde Thyme Knits
Passion to Create
A Sheep's Yarn
Knitting Frenzy

We're now up to 192 active members!!