Wednesday, December 16, 2009

New Members 11/9-12/15/2009

Please welcome our newest members!

American Made Quilting
Nowhere Slow
Fiadhiglas Designs
Arlijohn's Quilting Thoughts Etc
Daryl's Blog
Backstrap Weaving
Plain Weave

We're now up to 245 active members. Thank you all for sharing your creative ideas, fiber adventures and inspiring work!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Periodic Re-posting of Blogring Rules

This is a periodic re-posting of the blog ring rules. It is not directed at anybody in particular.
  1. You must have a blog about your textile projects, ideas, and adventures. Any textile/fiber project will do, whether it's spinning, weaving, quilting, knitting, crochet, sewing, tatting, braiding, embroidery, kumihimo, silk painting, etc. Your blog doesn't have to be *only* about fiber things, but should include fiber-related material at least once per month.
  2. The blog needs to be regularly updated. Any blogs not updated at least once a month will be moved to the queue. If you have not updated in over three months your site will be removed from the ring. You are welcome to re-join the ring if /when you start posting again. I understand that real life can and does get in the way of blogging.
  3. You need to include the ring code on the blog page, so that visitors can surf to the blogs of other members more easily. After all, that's the whole point of this ring. At a minimum, the ring code must include a link to the ring's home and the Next and Previous links. Anyone who has not added the code to their site within two weeks of application will be removed from the ring. If you have trouble finding the current ring code, send e-mail to msmorenna (at) gmail (dot) com and I will help you get the ring code.
  4. This is NOT a commercial site. If your blog is merely a listing of items for sale or advertisement for your shop, this blog ring is not for you. You are welcome to sell things on/through your blog, but for this ring, I ask that your blog have content which is largely non-commercial.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Saturday, May 2, 2009

New Additions 3/22/09-5/2/09

Sorry for the delay in posting additions. Time rather got away from me.

So, without further ado, please welcome the newest members to the ring:

Marlborough Weavers
Alabama Weaver
Studio 24-7
High Fibre Diet
Eyes of Time
Scarf A Day

There are now 224 active members in the ring. Thank you all for sharing your work and inspiration!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Periodic Re-posting of Blogring Rules

This is a periodic re-posting of the blog ring rules. It is not directed at anybody in particular.
  1. You must have a blog about your textile projects, ideas, and adventures. Any textile/fiber project will do, whether it's spinning, weaving, quilting, knitting, crochet, sewing, tatting, braiding, embroidery, kumihimo, silk painting, etc. Your blog doesn't have to be *only* about fiber things, but should include fiber-related material at least once per month.

  2. The blog needs to be regularly updated. Any blogs not updated at least once a month will be moved to the queue. If you have not updated in over three months your site will be removed from the ring. You are welcome to re-join the ring if /when you start posting again. I understand that real life can and does get in the way of blogging.

  3. You need to include the ring code on the blog page, so that visitors can surf to the blogs of other members more easily. After all, that's the whole point of this ring. At a minimum, the ring code must include a link to the ring's home and the Next and Previous links. Anyone who has not added the code to their site within two weeks of application will be removed from the ring. If you have trouble finding the current ring code, send e-mail to msmorenna (at) gmail (dot) com and I will help you get the ring code.

  4. This is NOT a commercial site. If your blog is merely a listing of items for sale or advertisement for your shop, this blog ring is not for you. You are welcome to sell things on/through your blog, but for this ring, I ask that your blog have content which is largely non-commercial.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

New Additions 3/8-3/21/2009

Welcome to our newest member!


Happy Spring everyone!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

New Additions 2/23-3/7/09

Welcome to our latest additions!

Crear es creer
Jazzturtle Creations

A reminder to our U.S. members--don't forget Daylight Savings Time starts tonight. Set your clocks forward an hour and change the batteries in your smoke detectors.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New Additions 2/9-2/14/09

Welcome to our newest members and Happy Valentine's Day!

MyissaG's Crochet
Fluffington Farms
simply robin
Santeena's Musings

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Saturday, January 31, 2009

New Additions 1/16-1/31/2009

Welcome our newest members to the ring!

Sarabee Designs
Thread Lightly

Thursday, January 15, 2009